1. Key Terms Used In This Statement
We, us, our | Dr. Michael Plevan and Plevan Ltd (UK) separately and collectively referred to as 'Plevan.' |
Our representative and data protection officer | Dr. Michael Plevan |
Contact details | michael (at) plevan.eu |
2. Our Statement
We are committed to providing access to our websites and apps to as many users as possible. With respect to this ongoing goal, we understand how many of our customers are currently living with one form of disability or another (including auditory, physical, neurological, visual, and cognitive disabilities), many of which can greatly inhibit access to information technologies including the Internet.
We are committed to ensuring equal access to our users with disabilities, as we recognize how critical such access truly is in today’s society. We are also committed to providing maximum access our websites and apps to those users who, while not suffering from a current disability, are nevertheless subject to access barriers including low bandwidth and language issues.
We encourage and welcome all users and strive to help those achieve maximum access so that everyone can enjoy and benefit from our offerings equally.
In furtherance of this goal, our web content has been designed in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 12101, the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA), and the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (ATAG).
Specifically, or in addition to these requirements, our website has the following features (selection):
Localization and globalization in four languages and cultures
Bright and dark themes
[aria-*] and matching [roles] attributes
All buttons have accessible names
All image elements have localized [alt] attributes
All images provided as webp format and png as fall-back option
Google Lighthouse optimization

3. How to Contact Us
Please contact our Representative by post, email or telephone if you have any questions about this Accessibility Statement or if you have recommendations pertaining to accessibility.
Our contact details are shown below:
Contact | Dr. Michael Plevan |
Address |
Patentanwalt Dr. Michael Plevan, Theresienstr. 1, 80333 Munich, Germany |
Email address | michael (at) plevan.eu |
Telephone number | +49 (0) 176 31400851 |
Thank you. We appreciate your support.